How to Earn a Percentage of the Profit You Help Create
for Your Clients
Free Yourself from “Fee for Service” Freelancing with Profit Partner Consulting
From the desk of Chris Mason
Nashville, TN

Dear behind the scenes marketer,
Have you ever looked at the amount of money you've made for your client's business and thought...
"Why am I not doing this for myself with my own offer?!"
When you know how to generate big pay days for someone else, this is a totally natural thought to have.
But it's also a thought that comes with some hidden opportunity costs.
For example...
If you believe that the only way you'll ever get a consistent piece of the upside is by creating your own offer, you immediately limit your options and the types of questions you ask.
Instead of asking yourself ==> "What are some creative ways I can participate in the success of my work?"...
You focus on a different question:
"How do I go from Freelancer to Offer Owner?"
And for so many talented copywriters and funnel builders, the pursuit of launching their own offer is the very thing that keeps them stuck in "fee for service" client work.
Getting A Piece of the Upside Used
To Be The Norm...
If you go back a few decades to the 1950's and 60's, someone with your skillset faced a much friendlier environment than the one you face today.
It was normal for people like you to earn a piece of the upside if their work generated a bunch of new sales.
In fact it was expected.
It made logical sense to the business that if your work was successful in growing revenue, you should be able participate in that success.
You didn't have to convince anyone that this was a good idea.
And honestly, even through the 80's, 90's and early 2000's, you still had a business environment where paying royalties or a share of the profit was standard.
If you've ever spent time with a copywriter who built their career in this old school environment, then you know that they weren't spending their spare time thinking about how to become an "Offer Owner."
They were thinking about LEVERAGE.
They were thinking about how they could produce outsized returns for their clients. Because when their clients made more money, THEY made more money.
So everyone's incentives were aligned.
But today, most businesses don't think this way unfortunately. It's no longer the norm.
One reason for this shift is the fact that there are a lot more people now who claim to be experts in direct response copywriting and funnel building.
And this influx of "vendors" has created a new environment where businesses don't automatically think about profit sharing because they're focused on getting the lowest price.
"Why would I go with the more expensive person when
there are so many other people who will do it for less?"'s a short-sighted way for a business owner to think. But a "race to the bottom" mentality is a lot more common these days.
Anyone who is trying to get new clients right now knows this is true.
BUT here is the silver lining for you if you're actually good at this direct response marketing stuff...
The same logic that made sense to everyone decades ago, still makes sense today.
The difference is that you and I are in a new environment. And WE are the ones who have to make the case that we deserve a piece of the upside when our work helps create big pay days.
You just need a reliable way to recreate a version of that old environment.
And this is what I'd like to show you how to do.
Hey my name is Chris Mason and if you know how to generate new revenue inside of someone else's business, I want to show you how you can start earning a percentage of that revenue right away.
And your clients will be THRILLED to pay it.
This is the path I've been on since 2015 when I left my corporate job.
It's not a secret path and it isn’t hidden…
It's just become unfamiliar to us.
And because of this, a lot of good freelance direct marketers have accepted the idea that the only surefire way to make the kind of money they want to make is to create their own offer.
Why creating your own offer may be
holding you back
Look, I get the appeal of wanting to have your own offer.

After all, the “Offer Owner” is the one who collects all the money.
“Offer Owners” participate in the upside.
They have all the leverage.
So this way of thinking definitely makes sense. And I'm not saying not to do it.
I'm saying there's another path to financial freedom for people like us that we've forgotten.
Because if you've ever sat down to work on your own offer, you know it's not as simple as it seems.
It's kind of weird.
For a lot of freelancers, when they sit down to work on their own offer they hit a wall.
Doesn’t happen to everyone but maybe you’ve experienced it?
Here’s what it typically looks like:
You sit down to work on your own thing and something feels "off."
The creativity and clarity that Comes To You so easily when you’re working On your client’s business, Seems to Vanish when
you become the client
Often, when YOU become the client, you start:

For whatever reason, you get in your own way.
Doesn’t mean it will always be that way.
It’s just what you’re dealing with now.
And look, the only reason I can describe this situation to you is because I’ve experienced it myself as a freelance copywriter and funnel builder!
It’s way more common that you might realize.
And honestly it's really depressing because you end up feeling stuck.
It's a big reason why so many talented direct marketers feel like they have to settle for the traditional “time for money” freelancer game until they can figure out something better.
But What If There Was a Different Way to
Play the Game That Let You Separate Your Income from Your Time?
What if instead of trying to go from “Freelancer” to “Offer Owner”, you were able to carve out a spot between the two and enjoy some of the benefits of both?
You’d get to experience the benefits of being a freelancer like:
- Not having to create your own products
- Not having to be the face of the business and
- Not having to hire anyone.
But you’d also get to participate in a piece of the upside the same way an Offer Owner does when your work does well.
You'd finally have some leverage.
Well, this is exactly what I've been doing since 2015.
See, there is a role between Freelancer and Offer Owner that I think more freelancers would pursue if they only knew how.
You’re not a freelancer.
You’re not an offer owner.
You are a Profit Partner and I’d like to show you how it works.

In a minute you'll see the kind of Profit Partner deals I’ve been a part of since 2015 and who I’m partnering with now.
But first, let’s define what a Profit Partner is ok?
What Is a Profit Partner?
A Profit Partner is a consultant or freelancer who earns a percentage of the profit they help create for a business.
You become a partner in the new revenue that your work produces.
IMPORTANT: This percentage can be in addition to or instead of a retainer or project fee. There are different models you can use to structure these.
Profit Partners think like investors.
Your labor, skills and knowledge are your CAPITAL to invest.
Does that make sense?
As a Profit Partner you deploy your "capital" into the right environments in order to build a portfolio of revenue engines that don't depend on your time.
It’s a slightly different approach than traditional freelancing.
Here are some of the differences between traditional freelancing and Profit Partners:
Traditional Freelancers
Profit Partners
This approach Is NOT for everyone
If you're happy with where you are in your life and career and the idea of pursuing profit sharing deals feels like a shiny object to you, that's totally fine - truly.
But know that you don’t have to choose one or the other.
You can STILL take “fee for service” work while also building a portfolio of revenue engines through Profit Partner deals.
In fact blending together both approaches is a perfect way to get started.
Remember, Profit Partners think like investors and that means thinking long term.
Now if you’re still with me, you probably have a few questions starting to surface.
You probably want to know:
- How do I find a business who would even want to partner with me?
- How do I get them to say "yes"?
- Do I need special contracts?
- How do I determine the percentage I get?
- How do you define profit?
- Why should I listen to you?
All very fair questions.
And I’m going to address each one right here on this page.
But I would first like to tell you about a class I’m hosting on Monday, October 2 at 11am EST where I’ll walk you through the process of adding Profit Partner Consulting to your business.
Your Special Invitation
If you would like to learn how you can add Profit Partner Consulting to your business, I’d like to invite you to join me LIVE for a private class I’m hosting on Monday, October 2 at 11am EST.

During this private Zoom session, I'll show you...
Everything will be recorded and you will be able to ask any question you want.
In fact, I’ve asked someone that I have several Profit Partner deals with, Brian Kurtz, to join me on the call and he will be available to answer your questions too.

Me and Brian Kurtz
Brian Kurtz was one of my early clients going all the way back to 2013.
He was still running the publishing company Boardroom at the time.
Over the 40 years that Brian was at Boardroom he negotiated profit sharing deals with freelance copywriters at every experience level.
So he has a unique perspective from doing these types of deals from the client side that you can’t find anywhere else!
Brian and I did our first profit sharing deal together in 2019 when we launched the Titans Xcelerator Virtual Mentorship program.
We’ve done several others since.
So look…
I want to show you what I’ve learned from doing these types of deals since 2015.
And I want to give you the knowledge and tools you’ll need to go out and create profit sharing deals for yourself.
Like I Said Before, I Believe More Freelancers Would Pursue Profit Sharing Deals If They Only Knew How.
I Want To Show
You How!
And as a special bonus to you, I’ll have one of the true OG’s of direct marketing on hand as well. Between the two of us, we'll be able to help you with any question you have.
The price to attend is only $197 or two payments of $99.
No upsells. No back end product to sell you. No funny business.
Brian and I are here to overdeliver for YOU! 🙂
I think it's time to stop undervaluing the contributions that people with our skillset can make to our client's business. And when you learn to present your value the way I'll show you, you'll find that your clients will agree.
I hope to see you live on Zoom on Monday, October 2 at 11am EST.

If you're not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after purchasing.
Here's What Others Have Said About My Profit Partner Consulting Training

Attending the Profit Partner training has been an absolute delight. Chris, with his warm personality and sharp intellect, generously shares his wealth of knowledge derived from his extensive experience in profit-sharing with a diverse array of clients and partners.
This training takes you from a vague intuition that profit partnership might be worth exploring, to a clear understanding of the type of partnership that best suits your circumstances. I particularly value Chris's insights on major pitfalls to avoid, which aren't always obvious through simple common sense. Don't hesitate, dive in. The potential financial benefits for your business could far outweigh those from online courses or trainings that cost ten times as much
Remi Lazaro

The training was amazing. It lit up a lot of lightbulbs in my head and underscored what Jay Abraham teaches about using another business' assets to create revenue.
Theresa Pantanella
Media Buyer

Chris speaks from experience. I learned a lot about how to approach revenue sharing arrangements and how to look for and create opportunities, both online and within my local neighborhood.
Kevin Steinlechner
Financial Planner

The Profit Partner training provides a creative way to help your clients and your own revenue. The training walks you through step by step how to do it. It's perfect for anyone who wants to create recurring revenue in their business.
Shawn Cartright
Founder, TCCII

Chris Mason's Profit Partner training provides value for both beginners and seasoned professionals looking to leverage their skills and knowledge through win-win collaboration.
Rodrigo DelCampo
Founder, Alto Impacto

Frequently Asked Questions
Now I promised you above that I would address those questions.
So let’s take them one by one, starting with the last one.
Why should I listen to you?
Ok. I’ve put together 9 different profit sharing deals as a freelance copywriter since leaving my corporate job in 2015.
I was attracted to this approach instead of traditional freelancing because I have authority issues. :-)
I’m only half joking.
When I was working in corporate I grew tired of:
- Having to attend work meetings that I didn’t want to attend
- Getting pulled into projects I didn’t want to work on
- Having someone else own a portion of my time
I felt trapped.
I craved FULL ownership of my time and how I spent it.
And honestly, when I was doing traditional freelancing, I got the same kind of "corporate vibes."
So I chose this Profit Partner path instead.
I liked running things behind the scenes and I liked being able to give myself a raise anytime I wanted by coming up with a new offer inside someone else's business.
It really wasn’t until Titans Xcelerator and the Breakthrough Advertising Bootcamps (another one of my deals with Brian), that I got comfortable stepping out from behind the curtain.
Below I've listed out the deals I’ve done since 2015.
But I want you to know first that I don’t share personal revenue numbers. My goal is to design a life that I love and don't want to escape from.
It is NOT to maximize revenue.
I'm a husband and father first.
But you can use the Profit Partner framework to scale up to whatever your personal income goal is. That's the beauty of having unlimited upside.
So in lieu of personal income, here is what my life looks like today:
- My wife (a school teacher) and I live in a beautiful home just outside of Nashville with our two kids.
- Every summer we rent a private home on a Florida beach somewhere and fly south for a week. I fly my mother-n-law down with us too. She's super cool - I know I'm lucky. :-)
- We fly somewhere for a week every Fall Break. This year we're headed to Colorado!
- I drive my daughter to high school every morning and pick her up in the afternoons.
- I don’t work late nights or weekends unless I want to.
- I take a nap in the middle of the day if I need to.
- I train throughout the year to compete in 2-3 Sprint Triathlons and Obstacle Course races.
- I don’t work on things I don’t want to work on.
- I don’t attend meetings I don’t want to attend.
- The only monthly retainer I have pays me $750/month. Everything else comes from profit sharing.
Here are the types of profit sharing deals with so far...
Since 2015 I've partnered with:
- A developer of an eCommerce software (Profitable)
- A former client in the Survival niche on
- Solar generator promotions (Profitable)
- An alternative health mail order tea business (Profitable)
- YouTuber in the Eye Health niche (NOT profitable and I’ll tell you why)
- YouTuber in the Vegan niche (NOT profitable and I’ll tell you why)
- Multiple products with Brian Kurtz like
- Titans Xcelerator (Profitable)
- Breakthrough Advertising Mastery (Profitable)
- Breakthrough Advertising Bootcamp (Profitable)
- Overdeliver Bootcamp (Profitable)
Like any investment they weren’t all successes.
I even lost some money on one of them.
And that’s one of the things that qualifies me to teach this to you. I know why I failed and I’ll share it with you on the call.
Learn from my mistakes please!
How do I find a business who would even want to partner with me?
You’ll need to first determine what kind of environment and assets YOU need access to from someone else.
The acquisition process for Profit Partners is different than that of traditional freelancers.
You’re no longer looking for who can write the biggest check.
You are looking for someone with underutilized assets that you know how to monetize.
There are PLENTY of people who aren’t even aware they’re sitting on a pile of gold. And even if they knew, they don’t have the skills to mine it.
That’s where you come in.
During the call I’ll show you how to find these businesses and reach out to them.
But also don’t forget that your best partners are likely your current or past clients.
This is where I’ve had the best success personally because of the trust that is already in place.
The key in this scenario is to be extremely specific when you present the opportunity to them. You need to show them exactly what you want to do and how the profit will be calculated.
I’ll show you what has worked for me and give you the actual emails you can use when you reach out.
How do I get a business to say "yes"?
This isn't as difficult as you might think.
I'll show you how I've positioned these deal structures to past clients. When you're willing to put skin in the game it's very disarming.
You just need to make sure you're crystal clear on the deal structure you want and the type of offer you want to put together in their business. You build these deals around specific offers that you want to deploy in their business.
Do I need special contracts?
You’ll want to get the structure of your deal agreed to in writing.
I do have a contract that my lawyer created for me. I’ll give it to you on the call and you can customize it to your liking.
How do I determine the percentage I get?
This will depend on what kind of deal you want to pursue.
And you'll determine the deal structure based on things like your risk tolerance, your confidence in the opportunity you see and also what you’re bringing to the table.
Specifically, you’ll determine this by the type of offer you are creating in your client’s business.
Creating a new product from scratch and charging no project fee is different than redoing a sales page for a fee and percentage of profit.
Don’t worry though, I’ll go through the five different types of offers you can choose from and recommend a percentage to get you started based on what has worked for me.
I’ll also show you four different types of new products you can create for your client. New products are where you can demand the highest percentage.
How do you define profit?
This is important to define with your client from the beginning.
You don’t want to fall victim to sneaky accounting tricks that make the profit number shrink.
So from the outset, you need to show how you’re calculating profit. And that needs to be agreed to in writing.
I have a profit calculator that I use and you can have so that you can play around with the numbers like cost of goods and refund rates.
Why a "profit share" instead of a "revenue share"?
I always used profit because it shows you are thinking the way your client thinks.
Gross revenue doesn't take into account the costs and expenses of the business. So by focusing on profit you focus on growing the same number your client cares about most.
How long will the call be?
Plan on about two hours but I'll go longer if there are more questions.
Is there a reason NOT to attend this training?
This training will add tremendous value to those who have a basic understanding of copywriting and direct response marketing. Please email me with any question you might have regarding the training and I'll share my thoughts on if it is a good fit for you now.
OK...that's what I have for you.
If this sounds like something you'd like to learn how to do then go ahead and sign up using the button below.
Worst case scenario?
You show up live or listen to the recording and decide it's not for you. Or maybe it's just not what you thought it was.
Doesn't matter.
If that happens just send me an email within 30 days and I'll give you a full refund.
Hope to see you on Monday, October 2 at 11am!